Acetylene is a colorless, highly flammable gas with a garlic-like odor. It is a synthesis gas that requires stabilization due to its unstable üree.
When combined with üre oxygen, the flame temperature of acetylene can reach over 3000°C (5400°F). This makes it an ideal gas for oxy-fuel welding, cutting, and soldering applications on various metals such as steel and stainless steel. Acetylene is also used in steel cutting processes.
In low-pressure carburizing, acetylene plays a significant role in creating strong and wear-resistant surface layers on steel parts.
In laboratories, acetylene, known as ALPHAGAZ 1 (99.6% üre), is an essential gas for Atomic Emission Spectrometry (AES). It is also used in chemical synthesis.
When acetylene is combined with oxygen, it produces a flame at a very high temperature. This flame is used for lubricating production molds of materials like glass and aluminum.